Celebrities Know Colonics Make You Look & Feel Great

Its health benefits have long been endorsed by madonnas, princess Diana and dr.Gillian McKeith. Colonic irrigation has been around since the early egyptians and for one good reason; it works.
The latest celebrity to sing the praises of this wonder treatment is the ageless millionaire mugol, Simon cowell.

Simon Cowell undergoes regular colonic irrigation because it gives his eyes an extra sparkle, a new book has claimed. And he is quite right. Due to the hydrating detoxing benefits of colonic irrigation, eyes sparkle with renewed vitality . This is just one of the many health benefits of colonics. Simon has also stated that he finds the colonic irrigation treatment cleansing and that it is one of a number of steps he takes to stay looking younger. 

Infact, he is not alone, It is long believed that ridding the body of harmful toxins free radicals can prolong a youthful appearance and a healthy body. It may also promote a healthy mind and clear thinking. And if Simons annual income is anything to go by, he is certainly thinking very clearly.

According to Forbes , Simon Cowells annual earnings averaged $85 million per year in 2010 and 2011 which only goes to strengthen the old saying "your health is your wealth" .

Colonic irrigation is available from Dublin Vitality Center in Blanchardstown village and is provided by nurse trained therapists on the Harley street method which is exclusively available at Dublin vitality center in Ireland. Colonic irrigation is currently on special offer price deal of 70 euros instead of 105 euros. Detoxing liver enemas are offered at the special price of 50 euros . So if Simon Cowell is in town, we very much welcome him to visit us and share some more secrets to his success and time defying looks.

Celebritys & Colonic Irrigation**SPECIAL OFFER* E70 not E105 - Celebrity Secrets include Colonic Irrigations for weightloss and looking great

Colon hydrotherapy (CHT) is fast becoming one of the most dynamic areas of interest in medi spas and integrative health practices. Many medical professionals are verifying the value of colon hydrotherapy (also referred to as colonics, colon irrigation or colon hygiene) as CHT is once again gaining recognition in part because of modern colonicinstrumentation. The emergence of this ancient health practice is also entering mainstream consciousness as celebrities like
  • Matt Damon,
  • Madonna,
  • Usher,
  • Janet Jackson,
  • Pamela Anderson,
  • Jennifer Aniston,
  • Elizabeth Hurley
  • Paris Hilton (I-ACT Colon Girl 2006)
  • Ben Affleck
  • Brad Pitt
  • Barack Obama

Motivational speaker Anthony "Tony" Robbins and a host of others including professional athletes speak publicly about their personal use of colonics.

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